Chiikawa Petitama Plush toy (Hachiware) (S) SGD 42.00 Qty 12345678 Login to add to wish list Details Inquiry Chiikawa Petitama Plush toy (Hachiware) (S) from Japan Your name * Your email address * Contact Number Product * Message * Share This You may also like Body Text Proin nulla ligula, tincidunt ac lorem eu, tincidunt pretium ex. Cras non mauris nec dui condimentum aliquet. San-x Keychain Cheer Cheer Lamb : Ramu Debut SGD 32.00 Mario Yoshi BIG soft toy (standing pose) SGD 45.00 Monchhichi Pastel baby series (Toy/Keychain) SGD 63.00 Cute Chikawa crying soft toy SGD 38.60 Sanrio Marshmallow Cape Soft Toy SGD 34.60 Miku Christmas soft toy (2 style) SGD 40.90